Friday, February 27, 2009

What do I know about my character?

Chester Miller was the man who find Emmet Till in the river. He was a undertaker who helped with Emmet's body's.He was a black man. He was questioned by Mr. Breland.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Journal Entry over Winter Break

Why does racism exist??

Racism is not just about color. People are racise because they don't like your personalitiy or your sytle of dance for some reason. Racism is all over the world not just in the United States. Racism also is color and religion. Discriminationis apartof racism. Fear starts racism because theyhate something about yu so there going to be scared of yu. White people fear black people because there skin is darker then there's. My opinion is that they feel that anybody that doesn't look like themor beleive in what they beleive in you do not belong. If you ae not one of them you can't have the same power they have. So you can't get the same education, jobs, water, clothes, or anything.

Journal Entry over Winter Break


Hiram could have told someone other then his friends and his grandpa his problems. He also should have had told someone who had power of the situation to stop bad things from happening. His friends that he told should have also said something to someone but their opinion was to keep it to them selves and the people he told thought nothing was going to happen. Think if someone who had power of the situation could have stop the drama and did something about it. When Hiram told his grandpa he thought he was doing the right thing but it wasn't very help for because he didn't do anything. Hiram could have told Emmit Til's family or the police. If the police was told about this situation they would have done something like check on Emmit to see if he he was where he is suppose to be.

Journal Entry over Winter Break


Hiram could have stop talking ti Emmit Til and just leave him alone. There were some things he could have did differently. I see why he accepted him as ah friend because there were a lot of drama in the book. Hiram and R.C. couldn't have went fishing or didn't talk to Emmit and his cousins because talking to them didn't do nothing but start trouble. He burg them their lunch instead of giving them their lunch. Hiram should not let Emmit follow him. He should have told him that he was going somewhere that he wasn't welcome. Hiram should have stayed in Arizona and listened to his father. If he would have listened to his father he wouldn't have to be in no trouble. He wouldn't have to go through the racism and all the other problems in Arizona.