Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 12

“You better sense her intuh things then’ cause Tea Cake can’t do nothin’ but help her spend whut she got.” (Chapter 12, pg. 111)

Janie and Tea Cake were being talked about when this quote was said. They was basically saying that Tea Cake was just there to use her. And not only was Janie noticing that but as well as the town’s people. In my opinion I think that Tea Cake was taking advantage of Janie. Due to the fact that she had money, but Janie didn’t start realizing that until most of it was gone.
“Folks seen you out in colors and dey thinks you aint payin de right amount uh respect tuh yo dead husband.” (Chapter 12, pg. 113)

I think that the town’s people were beginning to think that Janie was getting a little beside herself. I think that Janie was just trying to enjoy doing the things that she couldn’t do with Joe Starks. But at the same time she was just trying to live the life she dreamed of having.

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